http-equiv='refresh'/>"); David Tett Photography ABIPP Blog: World Teachers Day shoot - Education Action

Aug 21, 2006

World Teachers Day shoot - Education Action

This October Education Action International will run a fundraising campaign for World Teachers' Day ( The idea is for teachers to be sponsored to wear alternative funky ties into school on the day, hence to raise money for the charity. The shoot itself was a lot of fun, and my first real experience at setting up a studio set.


Anonymous said...

Really fun looking photos! How did you get all those teachers to loosen up like that? Very clear definition as well-lighting works well. Well done.

Jon said...

Dave me old mate! How the devil are you? Have been enjoying your photo blog since Jols directed me a while ago.

I just started a photoblog myself, here at Jon Van Photo!

Are you back in London?

Lam Thuy Vo said...

Heya, nice work! Ana told me about the night before the shoot...:) You shouldn't worry so much, you have a great eye and take wonderful pictures (especially given that you don't even own a digital SLR like us spoiled brats!). Once we live together, we can definately take advantage of each others equipment, software and knowledge and get some publications goin'! Maybe start a collaborative blog? A friend, who's also moving to London already set up such networks. Smallcaps his artist name, check the link on my blog.

Anyhow...very long message. Already promised ana, I'd cook you loads of Vietnamese specialties. What did I get myself into? Hugs from Berlin
