http-equiv='refresh'/>"); David Tett Photography ABIPP Blog: Fire at the SNCF!

May 25, 2006

Fire at the SNCF!

This fire truly stank out the whole city that night. I don't know how it started exactly, but the whole ticket office at the train station was flaming. It was lucky I had my camera on me, as I managed to get a picture for the paper. With no tripod handy though I had to use a wall for a 6 second exposure.

1 comment:

Lam Thuy Vo said...

Love the fact that you encounter so many animals on your every day routine. Was just in London, hanging out with your lady a lot and did a bit of work.

Was wondering whether you still had some interest in my living with you. Turns out my friends are moving next door, which is shite for me cause there's no space for me. U wanna go flat hunting with me in September?
