http-equiv='refresh'/>"); David Tett Photography ABIPP Blog: Hung out to dry

Apr 22, 2006

Hung out to dry

First shot is of a poor guy left hung out to dry by his landlord. His 'flat' in Montpellier resembled more of an underground cave. Despite lack of running water, amongst other things, the owner refused to make repairs and is even trying to force eviction... Photo was taken for L'Herault du Jour', a local daily, I think owned by the French communist party! Rest are pictures on grim day at the beach in Palavas, Montpellier.


Tim Ireland said...

Awesome stuff dave. The kids on the beach is exceptional. I just realised I've not got a link to your blog on mine, apologies, very rude, will fix. Will book flights to the south of France soon, just have to make sure I have some where to live here first!

Tim Ireland said...

Hi dave,

I will be coming up for your birthday. Looking forward to it. Ps. I finally sorted out a link to your blog on mine.!