http-equiv='refresh'/>"); David Tett Photography ABIPP Blog: Paris by Night

Feb 22, 2006

Paris by Night

Paris can actually be quite empty at night. Even some of the main city streets can be deserted. Some lovely lights though...


Anonymous said...

Hello dave,

Quality pics on your blog, good shit! Cheers for the link. I'll let
greg and that know its there. Especially the daug drinking, and the
wheel one with the high heel.

I chatted to aug today about getting to frenchside. He seemed prettey
up for iot, I'll lket you know, we both need to book a couple of days
off work.

Take it easy

Lam Thuy Vo said...


good to see how your work is going. How did the Berlin pics turn out? Am part of the digital age now as well, but am still fiddling round with those horrid lenses that come with the camera when you buy it!

The first one of Ana (?) crossing the road is probably my favourite!

Hugs from Berlin,


Anonymous said...

Wow, Dave. That's all I can say - WOW - you're amazing! These photos are so beautiful! Thanks for showing me xxxxxxxx