http-equiv='refresh'/>"); David Tett Photography ABIPP Blog: June 2007

Jun 21, 2007

Ashmob, round 2

More pictures of the Ashmob crew, here taken in Regents Park. I can't get enough of the outfits.

Village Green PR shoot

These are publicity shots for the partners of Xmediacreative. I think the 'village fete' theme added some nice colour and texture to the pictures.

Jun 15, 2007


Ashmob is a new movement which seeks to promote tolerance and respect between the smokers and non-smokers of the world.

Alan McGee

Alan McGee photo taken for Total Spec Magazine in the beautiful Landmark hotel in Marylebone.

Carling Academy, Islington

Nexus Bloom and Adultress at the Carling Academy.